Monthly Archives: June 2009

berry berry turnovers brownies

最近常常很想吃甜品,試過致電老公要他在回家時買蛋糕給我,真的非常奇怪.為免每天都要等老公買才可以吃,所以決定自己整,健康又經濟. 星期一首先試整了berry berry turnovers,我負責洗切材料,老公就負責餘下的所有步驟.由於只有8件,兩天就被我們全部吃掉(真恐佈吃了這麼多).

昨天已沒有甜品吃,所以又要整過.今次終於有時間整brownie,奶奶給了我食譜(上次她整的好好味,所以我想自己試下).這種brownie有合桃和朱古力粒,真係無改錯名,叫做outrageous brownies,奶奶又給了它一個花名叫brownies explosion.
Outrageous brownie with ice cream and chocolate sauce


上個星期去買父親節禮物,出發前老公取笑我要記著今日是買禮物給父親們,並不是ling ling購物日,不要去看手袋和女裝.下車時我一副得意模樣的說,我不會進入賣女裝的店舖.在買完兩位父親的禮物後(老公的一早訂了,所以不用去買),老公見我木無表情,問我是否太悶(真係睇穿晒我…知我去行街唔買都要睇下的小毛病).我矢口否認嚷著要回家,說要買的都買完我不會看其他東西.心想今次一定要成功,唔可以次次都被他說中,明明說逛逛卻變成買買買.結果他還是拉我到最近的新歡逛一圈,指這看那的問我喜不喜歡,又找了合身的著我去試身….(我明明走過了門口卻被他拉住,今次是他逼我買東西的,哼!)其實上次已經買了很多,但他說我上次買不夠,可以多買幾條裙子,牛仔褲和衫,又叫我買一直在考慮的圍巾.結果,試身成功意即銀包出血.上車後,他又取笑我買了很多東西,遠多於買給爸爸的.我相信在夏季完結前,我也不用再買任何東西.(我是這樣告訴自己的)

昨天老公在公司致電回家,告訴我收到BE的預訂通知,最新產品有我喜歡的粉藍色在其中,全套都有防曬還包括了兩支掃.他覺得很襯我,相信我會很喜歡,但為免估錯都是先問問我的意見.愛上BE的我當然不容錯過,難得他竟然會在我上個月買了幾套化妝和護膚品後,還主動告訴我新貨預訂,一番好意怎能推卻.最新系列全部都加上防曬,扮靚又少一個步驟,化妝同時護膚的BE,真的令我著迷.用了短短一個月,皮膚己經得到改善.老公說別再試其他牌子,難得找到喜歡又適合的,但我想慳dd呀.BE的night time treatment是我的最愛,亦是最貴的產品…但真係唔想用咁多錢….再咁縱我銀包會流血不止.

maine lobster is so good

After feeding the baby, Eric and I went for lunch and did the shopping for the week. I got the recipe from mom and hopefully can find some time next week to make the brownie. While I picking out the vegetables, Eric saw some live lobsters and asked if I would like some. I wasn't really planning on a fancy dinner but I would never turn one down. There was an expert to help customers pick the lobster.  We were just looking at first but ended up with 2.  He was so nice and taught us how to cook it.We finished up our shopping quickly and went straight home.  

As soon as we got home, we started to cook the lobsters. It didn't take long and we decided to steam some aspargus to go with it.  Oh God, they are ridiculously delicious. They were just the perfect size about 1 lb each and it filled my stomach all the way.  Very satisfied. 

Still alive in the sink

Cooked and ready to be eaten

So big and tasty, yummy yummy







My little sweet heart

Alexis gave me a few surprises in the last week. First, she slept through the night since last Friday (for 8 hours, thanks God). She even slept for 9 hours the night before. As I read the information from the Pediatrician, breastfed baby may only sleep for 4-7 hours until 6 months old. I already prepared to wake up every 4 hours until her 1 year old birthday (if I am lucky to have 4 hours every night). Still can't believe she really slept through the night. Anyway, I still wake up every 4 hours to check on her and change her diaper. I keep reminding myself and know for fact that is normal for her need to eat in the middle of the night once a while, but I am crossing my finger that won't happen too often, none will be even better.

Secondly, she rolled over and rolled back up from her tummy all in one day within like 15 minutes. I was so excited when I saw it yesterday. I wasn't expected it at all and couldn't believe what I just saw. Eric called from work and I told him what just happened. He came home and Alexis did him a favor to rolled back up from tummy, but she refused to show off the roll-over skill. haha.

Thirdly, after her almost 9 hours sleep last night, she found her toes and touched it twice this morning while I changed her diaper. This is two days in a row she gave me surprises when I was not expected.

It is so amazing a little baby grow so fast and bring so much joy that you can't even describe it. I am so grateful to have such a wonderful family and able to be a full time housewife and mother. I can't imagine if I miss any of these moments I experienced and look forward to having some more.